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studio classes

I teach the following classes at Centennial High School:  Photography, Digital Photography (Dual Credit), Graphic Design, Film Appreciation (Dual Credit) and AP Studio Art: 2-D Design.  II am one of four full-time Art teachers at Centennial; our diverse course offerings are vertically aligned, with performance indicators and assessments to ensure students meet state and national Visual Art Standards.  I was named Art Educator of the Year by the Illinois Art Education Association in 2015.


[AP Studio Art]


In APSA students create 24 unique works of art over the coures of the school year for submission into the Breadth, Concentration and Quality porfolios.  Students explore a range of media and approaches to develop a personal style and grow artistically  Students have the opportunity to work with professionals and visit galleries and museums. In addition to the portfolio submission to the College Board, a community exhibition is held.

[Graphic Design]


Graphic Design students use a variety of hand-made and digital methods to create works that explore the practical application of the Principles of Art as they relate to commercial art and typography problems. Students work with actual clients and professional designers for authentic experience.



Students learn the fundamentals of exposure and image making through traditional b/w darkroom processes and 35mm manual cameras.  Students begin the semester by crafting pinhole cameras and finish with an expressive series project. The history of photography is explored through research projects and class presentations.

[Digital Photography]


In this Dual Credit course, offered in conjunction with Parkland College, students are challenged with college-level rigor to further their self-expression and technical skill in digital photography.  Students use DSLRs, studio lighting and Photoshop to fully realize their images.

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